An arrest for drug possession or driving while intoxicated are life-changing events. If you receive a summons for speeding or no insurance, the results can be extensive, leading to fines and loss of driving privileges, or even jail time. The imposition of points by the New Jersey DMV can also result in the suspension of your driving privileges, and cause an increase in your insurance rates for a period of years. The impact on your ability to earn a living could be disastrous if not handled properly by experienced attorneys.
When confronted with these serious consequences, it is important to seek out quality legal representation. Our law firm has been representing clients in Municipal Courts throughout New Jersey for well over 20 years, with excellent results. If you have been arrested or charged in Municipal Court with traffic or criminal offenses such as drug possession, we can help you navigate these extensive and anxiety-producing proceedings.
Mr. Troppoli has personally served as a Public Defender in many New Jersey municipal courts and he and the firm are fully experienced in all areas of representation including the following offenses :
Traffic | Criminal |
Before deciding to plea guilty to any of these offenses, contact us for a consultation. We are pleased to advise you of your rights, and explain the potential outcomes for you.